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Nereida starts heading N once more

Anchored in Pto. Balandra tonight - great to untie the lines and feel the boat moving. Mobelo rays were jumping high as we got close -always an amazing sight.
Was great to catch up finally, just before leaving, with an old friend, Phil on 'Sail a Vie', from 2006 when we both did the Single-Handed Transpac race to Kauai from San Francisco.
Have been sorting the boat out since arrival here, ready for passage-making - always so much to do to make sure the boat is properly ready for sailing after being at the dock for a time - need to be ready for unexpected big seas plus there's the usual job of fenders & lines to stow away.
But time to relax in the shade with a cold drink now with - shrimp & garlic tacos soon... and there'll be the sunset to enjoy soon.
Later -midnight and beyond.....
Wind went light soon after sunset and then came up from S (had been from N) . By 11pm, was nearing 20kt and by midnight, well over 20kt, often 24-25kt from SSE -so no fetch here. We were swinging around a lot. Hopefully, it will start to ease soon.

Written by : Jeanne Socrates