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19th June 2017

Monday 19th June 2017

Vivid memories still of nine years ago today - but I’m here to tell the tale… Life is good!!

Busy today - held a 'seminar' on "Nereida" with fellow-cruisers to discuss weather forecasts for our passage to Ensenada, looking at up-to-date grib files using both COAMPS for inshore and NDFD for offshore - wind looking OK for first half of 110 ml passage to Asuncion tomorrow but might get a spell of increased headwind off Abreojos before, hopefully, winds abate to make rest of passage pleasanter. My plan is to arrive in time for breakfast!

Also discussed obtaining weather faxes via Pactor modem and radio in 'real time' rather than downloading big files as email attachments. All good, useful stuff!!

Spotted my wind instrument suddenly come to life unexpectedly this morning - but I don’t somehow think we’ve 50 knots (Force 10!) of wind - the bay has been fairly calm all day with maximum wind of 5-10 kt, I reckon… When I checked the cable coming down from the mast-top instrument yesterday, it seemed to be powered up and generally looked to be working OK so I’m suspecting the wind instrument itself is now faulty. At one time, the needle was whizzing around back and forth! It’s display is erratic, often showing blanks and then suddenly switching to zeros or stupid wind values. The wind direction is complete nonsense when it’s displayed…

Took a time this afternoon to transfer diesel from jerry cans into main tank - almost full now. Will be able to get more fuel in Asuncion on arrival early on Wednesday - there’s a friendly, helpful couple there who, for $20, will come out to boat in their 'panga' and take crew to shore with their jerry cans to fill up at the local Pemex station (at a standard, sensible price), stopping off at a restaurant and/or a tienda on the way if food/provisions are needed. I hear they also run a well-kept small hotel and RV (caravan) park nearby - but we’re 'out of season' now - most people sensibly head out of the area over hurricane season - which is exactly what we’re doing also!

Written by : Jeanne Socrates